Anime "Hell Girl" is Mystery Horror Anime of the Studio Deen production. The Manga printing block was published serially in "Nakayoshi" (Kodansha) by Miyuki Eto drawing from October, 2005 to 2008. As for the book, nine volumes are published. It was broadcasted as TV Anime from October, 2008 to April, 2009 from October to April, 2007 for 20,076 years. From November, 2006 to January, 2007, it was broadcasted as a photograph taken on a spot drama.
Between the most early modern times, the rumor that got more like a certain urban legend spread. "Hell girl appears and drains a hateful partner into the hell when I write in the grudge that the homepage "hell communication" that I can access only at 0:00 a.m. cannot clear" itself from. However, the rumor was true.
When a person with the grudge writes in it at "hell communication", the girl of red eyes appears to the long raven-black hair which wore a middy and skirt before a client at the moment. The girl is Ai Enma called hell girl. She hands the Jack of straw that a request is the proof of the contract mainly, and the contract is formed if I untie a red thread suffering from the neck of a method - - doll reaching "hell sink", and the hateful partner tells - - drained into the hell. But Ai says even if "oneself will suffer as the compensation eternally posthumously in hell". Turn to whether the hell girl seems to foresee all against cool eyes and only tell a word when it "is that you decide it afterward".
It is pressed for decision in a tangle whether the client unties the thread and clears yourself from a grudge or whether I change my mind and step and remain. However, the case which untied a thread on the spot was seen in person who untied it with a light feeling immediately and the third without showing a tangle really without the client knew the thing when it was it, and minding.
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