Anime "Kare Kano" is romantic comedy Anime of the Masami Tsuda original. The Manga printing block was published serially in "LaLa" (Hakusensha) until June, 2005 from February, 1996. As for the book, 21 volumes are published. From October, 1998 to March, 1999, it was broadcasted as TV Anime.
The honor student who is results excellence / sports almighty / pulchritude to recognize class representative of the prefectural Hokuei Senior High School Class A of the first grade which is a first-rate entrance into a school of higher grade school in the prefecture, Yukino Miyazawa to oneself and others from early childhood. However, her true character was a lump of the vanity and I performed the praise from another person and the effort that did not give up every day because I wanted to attract attention and played a well-conducted person. However, Soichiro Arima of the same Class A of the first grade class representative kidnapped the new pupil representative who was the heart's desire of Yukino, and was superior to motor nerves with a beautiful woman, and both the character and the demeanor were good genuine honor students. I recapture the first place test school year and decline the confession from Soichiro plainly, but, as for Yukino burning anti-rebellious spirit intense (while contacting with the appearances kindly) in Soichiro attracting attention more than oneself, one's true character is known to Soichiro for hard study from the carelessness that one day is a little.
Soichiro comes to let Yukino help with committee which oneself holds-affiliated work using weakness of Yukino. I am afraid that it is exposed the true character by another person, and Yukino driven hard like a manservant knows that there is the face of the bottom in Soichiro every day tearfully. As a result, it increases there is it with two people, and to talk, and the strange consciousness to total Soichiro was sprouting Yukino, but when "2 keep company", it is misunderstood by a classmate and considers. Yukino which I thought to be have let a manner change suddenly because I was disillusioned by my true character went berserk for Soichiro at last, but the real intention of Soichiro was different. I notice that one's oneself whom I did not know appears naturally if Soichiro is before Yukino in one. The feeling of antagonism fades away by having known each other's secrets; two people of the friend come to it-affiliated. . .
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