Anime "Hyakka Ryoran Samurai Girls" is the 40th anniversary establishment of a business of Hobby Japan commemorative media mix plan. In light Novell of the Akira Suzuki original, four volumes are published than "HJ Bunko" (Hobby Japan) from 2009. Broadcast is started in September, 2010 as TV Anime.
Japan of the the 21st century beginning that was over more than 20 years since the name of an era was changed in "the flat truth." As for the national seclusion, the reign of untied only Tokugawa shogunate government continued, and the 25th Yoshiyasu got the seat of the brigadier force.
In the huge educational institution / Bukei school private supplementary school built in the foot of sacred mountain / Mt. Fuji, student council executives called themselves "Toyotomi hunting" and strengthened a revolt molecule for the the Tokugawas and oppression to the attendance at school student that I authorized, and the dissatisfaction for the tyranny continued showing a stronger it.
Although attendance at school is raw, after disappearance of father, Muneakira Yagyu acting as an assistant instructor at Yagyu dojo studio of the school juxtaposition holds doubt in the Toyotomi hunting of executives, and I put distance, but it is commanded to do the vacation of the dojo studio suddenly by the student council. When evening of one day when the fixed date of the vacation approached close, Muneakira worked hard at training as always at a dojo studio, I emptied a hole into the ceiling suddenly from the sky, and a naked beautiful girl with the sword of two big thingses and small things fell. The girl giving Jubee Yagyu Sangen repulses Hattori Ningun of public morals Committee that made a fierce attack on a dojo studio in splendid fencing, but the beautiful girls who inherited the name of historical Taketo in sequence appear before Muneakira afterwards.
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