Friday, July 30, 2010

Watch the Simpsons Season 16


The Simpson Season 16 Episode 1 (s16e01) - Treehouse of Horror XV (15)

Original AirDate: November 7, 2004

Another Simpsons Halloween Special featuring 3 more Scary Tales...

1. The Ned Zone - Homer knocks Ned unconscious with a bowling ball, & he developes a sixth sense that allows him to see the deaths of everyone he touches. When he sees himself murder Homer, he tries his best to stop it.

2. Four Beheadings and a Funeral - A take on the Jack the Ripper story that casts Lisa and Bart as Eliza Simpson and Dr. Bartley, who try to discover the identity of the “Mutton Chop Murderer.”

3. In the Belly of the Boss - A parody of Fantastic Voyage in which the Simpson family goes on a rescue mission after Maggie is accidentally shrunk and ingested by Mr. Burns.

The Simpson Season 16 Episode 2 (s16e02) - All's Fair In Oven War

A 2 year remodeling of the kitchen leads Marge to make a dessert for a church event which is so popular that Ned suggests she enter the Ovenfresh Bake-off, but when the other contestants sabotage her entry, she returns the favor by adding an extra ingredient to the other entries - Maggie's ear drops (not knowing that Lisa saw her do it).

Original AirDate: November 14, 2004

The Simpson Season 16 Episode 3 (s16e03) - Sleeping With The Enemy

When Bart gets a perfect score on a state capitals test (thanks to Mrs. Krabappel leaving a map of the USA on the wall), the party Marge throws for him is so lame that Marge thinks that Bart & Lisa feel she's "overmothering" them, & shares her love with someone else: Nelson. She takes Nelson in when his mother leaves him. Meanwhile, Lisa gets the impression that she has a big butt.

Original AirDate: November 21, 2004

The Simpson Season 16 Episode 4 (s16e04) - She Used to Be My Girl

Marge discovers that her high school journalism partner, Chloe, is now a TV News Reporter (while Marge decided to forego college & marry Homer). Lisa seems more interested in what Chloe did with her life than what Marge did so she sneaks into Chloe's car to attend a U.N. women's conference in Capitol City, but ends up surrounded by lava with Chloe at base of erupting Mount Springfield!?

Original AirDate: December 5, 2004

The Simpson Season 16 Episode 5 (s16e05) - Fat Man and Little Boy

Bart refuses to accept that he's no longer a kid after he loses his last baby tooth so he decides to express himself with T-shirt slogans, which bring him to the attention of a local novelty salesmen interested in becoming Bart's partner, causing the recently-fired Homer to consider himself the #2 man of the house!

Original AirDate: December 12, 2004

The Simpson Season 16 Episode 6 (s16e06) - Midnight Rx

When Mr. Burns cancels the plant employees' prescription drug plan, Homer decides to get cheap prescription drugs from Canada (with forged Canadian ID papers), only for Grampa, Ned, & Apu to join him on a 2nd trip, which is not as successful as the 1st; however, when Smithers is at the brink of death because of a thyroid condition, Burns decides to finance one final run...

Original AirDate: January 16, 2005

The Simpson Season 16 Episode 7 (s16e07) - Mommie Beerest

When the health inspector, an old friend of Moe's, dies, his replacement is not lenient with Moe, & orders it shut down unless Moe can make expensive repairs. Homer, who just paid off his mortgage, decides to re-mortgage his house to pay for the repairs. However, when Marge finds out, she becomes Moe's business partner, and decides to turn the bar into a British pub!

Original AirDate: January 30, 2005

The Simpson Season 16 Episode 8 (s16e08) - Homer and Ned's Hail Mary Pass

Homer one-ups Bart at a carnival game and does an "in-your-face" victory dance, which is caught on video & uploaded to the Internet, catching the interest of a professional football player who needs somebody to design new end-zone celebration dances for him. Soon, Homer is choreographing celebrations for Yao Ming, LeBron James, Warren Sapp, Tom Brady, & Michelle Kwan!

Original AirDate: February 6, 2005

The Simpson Season 16 Episode 9 (s16e09) - Pranksta Rap

Bart sneaks out to attend a rap concert Marge told him he couldn't attend. When he comes back, he writes a note saying he was kidnapped & throws it into the house (avoiding punishment). Chief Wiggum, realizing he hasn't been the best cop in the city's history, takes extra interest in the case, & after he hears a clue on one of Bart's phone calls he makes an arrest - Kirk van Houten!

Original AirDate: February 13, 2005

The Simpson Season 16 Episode 10 (s16e10) - There's Something About Marrying

Bart & Milhouse prank a tourist by accident & he turns out to be a reporter for a TV show, who gives Springfield his lowest rating ever. To regain tourists, Lisa suggests legalizing same-sex marriages, which Reverend refuses to conduct so Homer (who gets $200 per ceremony) joins "The e-Piscopal Church" & becomes a minister online. However, One customer is a bit of a surprise...

Original AirDate: February 20, 2005

The Simpson Season 16 Episode 11 (s16e11) - On a Clear Day I Can't See My Sister

At a Springfield Glacier Field Trip, Lisa falls for the "enjoy your trip, see you next fall" gag twice, courtesy of Bart. Then, Bart sneaks a walkie-talkie behind Lisa &, while Lisa laments the loss of the glacier because of gaseous emissions, Bart supplies the appropriate sound effects. Lisa has had it, & gets a restraining order requiring Bart to keep 20, & soon 200 Feet Away!

Original AirDate: March 6, 2005

The Simpson Season 16 Episode 12 (s16e12) - Goo Goo Gai Pan

Selma has a severe hot flash while giving Mr. Burns his driving test. Selma is experiencing the onset of menopause. Selma decides she wants a baby rather than grow old alone. Lisa suggests adopting a baby from China but The Chinese government only allows married couples to adopt. Selma writes down a name for her husband - Homer - & "The Simpsons are going to China!"

Original AirDate: March 13, 2005

The Simpson Season 16 Episode 13 (s16e13) - Mobile Homer

When Homer nearly gets killed by a repeatedly closing garage door, Marge suggests that he gets health insurance. However, Homer is considered uninsurable so Marge starts saving money by cutting corners, which doesn't work when Homer wastes it faster than Marge saves it. Marge insists that she takes charge of the family finances, resulting in Homer using the savings for an RV!

Original AirDate: March 20, 2005

The Simpson Season 16 Episode 14 (s16e14) - The Seven-Beer Snitch

While in Shelbyville, the Simpsons watch a musical about the town, which includes a character from Springfield who isn't particularly bright. Marge suggests to the Springfield Cultural Activities Board to have a concert hall, built by famous architect Frank Gehry (voiced by himself). However after it is built, it becomes clear that nobody in Springfield likes classical music so it is sold to Mr. Burns, who turns it into a prison. One of its first inmates is Homer who is put into jail due to a decades-old rule of kicking a can 5 times in a row. When Snake tries to escape, Homer thinks he "accidentally" fell into a garbage truck and tells the guards. Mr. Burns & the warden thinks Homer has a future as a snitch - and so does Homer but how long will his secret snitch life last before his jail-mates find out?!

Original AirDate: April 3, 2005

The Simpson Season 16 Episode 15 (s16e15) - FutureDrama

Bart & Lisa stumble into the basement of Professor Frink's house. It seems he has perfected the science of predicting the future. He shows them Springfield "8 years from Tuesday": Lisa is graduating at age 16, & has a scholarship to Yale provided by Mr. Burns but when Bart saves Mr. Burns from a robbery, Burns gives Bart the chance to go to college - by giving him Lisa's scholarship!

Original AirDate: April 17, 2005

The Simpson Season 16 Episode 16 (s16e16) - Don't Fear the Roofer

It's raining in Springfield, & Homer's roof is leaking, so Homer takes the only sensible course of action; he heads off to Moe's. However, he spoils a surprise party for Lenny, & makes it worse by destroying the cake so he's tossed out. Homer ends up at Knockers, where he meets a fellow loner named Ray (voiced by Ray Romano), who turns out to be a roofer. However, nobody but Homer ever seems to be able to see Ray...

Original AirDate: May 1, 2005

The Simpson Season 16 Episode 17 (s16e17) - The Heartbroke Kid

Superintendent Chalmers & Principal Skinner are selecting the school's vending machine company. While a gumbo machine sounds interesting, the winner is Scammer & Z-Dog, complete with hip-sounding vending machines. Lisa discovers that the snacks are extremely unhealthy! Bart goes overboard with the snacks: 3 weeks later, Uter's hair has turned yellow & spiky...oh wait...that's Bart!

Original AirDate: May 1, 2005

The Simpson Season 16 Episode 18 (s16e18) - A Star is Torn

Lisa sings the family to sleep with a rendition of "Mockingbird" (after suffering from system shock of an all-vegetable meal). She is so good that she decides to enter Krusty's "Li'l Starmaker" competition. However, when another singer (voiced by American Idol's third winner, Fantasia Barrino) sings a much better version, Homer quickly pens a song about Springfield which is a hit, & Lisa qualifies for the show!

Original AirDate: May 8, 2005

The Simpson Season 16 Episode 19 (s16e19) - Thank God It's Doomsday

Homer watches a movie about the end of the world as foretold in the Bible, leading Homer to do a little research & work out that the Apocalypse begins in 1 week. Nobody listens to him, until he makes a prediction that "the stars will fall to the Earth", which is exactly what happens when a celebrity-filled blimp crashes, and soon Homer has a pack of followers who join him for the END!

Original AirDate: May 8, 2005

The Simpson Season 16 Episode 20 (s16e20) - Home Away from Homer

Ned hasn't been doing too well at the Leftorium ever since LeftMart opened, so Marge suggests he rent out one of his rooms, which he does, to two girls from the local community college. However, the two girls have a webcam in their bedroom (, which soon becomes a town hit. When Ned discovers the truth, he realizes that he can't trust anybody in Springfield anymore & leaves...

Original AirDate: May 15, 2005

The Simpson Season 16 Episode 21 (s16e21) - Father, Son & Holy Guest Star

Bart is expelled by Principal Skinner for a prank at a school Medieval Festival that was actually caused by Groundskeeper Willie (who was mad at having to be the village idiot), & ends up going to a Catholic school, which is more affordable than other private schools. The only person who takes a real interest in Bart is Father Sean, who explains he acted a bit like Bart in his day, and lends Bart a "Lives of the Saints" comic book. Marge is afraid that Bart is turning into a Catholic, but Homer is sidetracked by the fact that the school is having a pancake dinner followed by bingo, and when he discovers that he can be absolved of all sins through confession if he converts, Marge problems are doubled, especially when she realizes that Catholics do not believe in birth control.

Original AirDate: May 15, 2005

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