Saturday, September 12, 2009

DNA2 (Squared)

Anime "DNA2 (Squared)" is SF romantic comedy Anime of the Masakazu Katura original. It is published serially in "weekly boy jump" (Shueisha) in 1993 by 36.37. It was broadcasted as TV Anime from October, 1994 to December. As for the book, five volumes are published.

The future 63 years when that DNA gave a person an unconscious detail was elucidated, and technology to control the action of the person was established by renewal of the DNA later. I was troubled by a population of congestion so that a law called the death penalty was made in the future 63 years later by population growth if I made a child more than two people. It is found out that an owner mega playboy (pre-mega as follows) of the DNA which makes a woman a captive has already left children more than 100 people in such times. The government which felt uneasy about that population growth was accelerated by the mega pre-DNA that more than 100 had dispatched "DNA operator" Karin Aoi in the past times and decided to renew the DNA of the man who was an owner of the first mega pre-DNA.

However, it was the human being that mega was quite far from pre-, being similar whom Jyunta Momonari which was the man was not popular with women, and was not clear. Karin should have served as work on schedule, but, in fact, I misunderstand a bullet (a DCM bullet) renewing DNA, and Jyunta begins to show a mega pre-glimpse I resemble it, and to awake.

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