Monday, September 5, 2011


Anime "Hellsing" is action horror Anime of the Kouta Hirano original. The Manga version was published serially in "Young King OURs" (Shonen Gahosha) until 2009 from 1997. As for the book, ten volumes are published. A sequel is published serially in "Young King Ours" (Shonen Gahosha) from 2001. From October, 2001 to January, 2002, it was broadcasted as TV Anime. It is released as OVA from February, 2006.
At the end of 20th century, mysterious vampire cases are frequent in the U.K., and royal state religion Knights Hospitalers, popular name "Hellsing organization" dealt with the coping, but the Hellsing headquarters is made a fierce attack on and suffers great damage. On the other hand, I have a collaborative relationship with on very bad term Vatican and the "Iscariot engine" under direct control after many twists and turns and know it when the wirepuller of the case "is organization Millennium" by the Nazis remnants which escaped in South America.
After a battle in Brazil, I understand it that real nature of "Millennium" is the corps of the man called "the major" whom Hellsing engine lost in last years of former Great War. The major declares war in the meeting of the household, and the Iscariot engine which was ignored by a major while being in the place plans to smash U.K. and Millennium together.
And Millennium makes a fierce attack on the British mainland again with 1,000 vampires corps and increases 3,000 the ninth air movement Crusade of the Vatican board of the Pope under the cover of this, and the three-cornered great war that put Hellsing engines together begins.

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