Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Ren-ai Shijo Shugi by Minami Kanan

Hi all,

Again, I am failing at keeping up with this blog. I love reading and reviewing manga, but lately I just haven't had time to keep up with my series, nonetheless start new ones to tell everyone about. I've been living my own shoujo drama lately, so I just wasn't too keen on reading about one! :) Not sure how I feel about everything, however, I'm here this week to review one of my guilty pleasures: Minami Kanan. At first I thought about reviewing Minami Kanan's 'Honey X Honey Drops', but I felt it was too popular, considering all of Kanan's work is basically the same story plot... You read one, you've read them all - but, it never stops you from reading them anyway. ;) So, I decided to go with her second most popular series, which I adore almost more than her other series because it at least tries to have a strong female lead. 

'Ren-ai Shijo Shugi' is a series by the much loved Minami Kanan. Her work is best known for being some of the best smut manga. Now, usually I'm not proud of the fact that I read a lot of smut manga, but I feel that even the best manga readers have set their eyes on Kanan and loved her. :) Anyway, this story is slightly unique because of the female lead, Seri, and her desire to be strong and independent, though this ultimately fails once she meets Tamaki. Both Tamaki and Seri are skilled in karate, which is a running theme for the series since the two were childhood friends, turned lovers. However, the conflict in this story begins with Sari and Tamaki's relationship, which seems to bring about the most unappealing and forceful rivals that continually try to break apart Sari and Tamaki. Sari often finds herself stuck in a lot of very edgy sexual situations, disregarding her karate training completely...

This series is definitely not what I consider classy or top notch manga. In fact when people who haven't read any manga thing of manga, this is the sort of smutty and weak-plotted type they think of. However, Minami Kanan remains one of my favorite mangakas, simply for her bold style and intense artwork. The lack of character building is pretty relevant, but the fact that the series is able to capture the reader in spite of this is really quite amazing. If you're interested in a gripping and smut filled manga series, I highly recommend this series. 

Pseudonymous Jayne :3

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