Friday, April 9, 2010


Anime "Hellsing" is action Anime of the Kouta Hirano original. The Manga printing block was published serially in "Young King Ours" (Shonen Gahosha) until 2008 from 1999. As for the book, 10 volumes are published. It was broadcasted as TV Anime from October, 2001 to January, 2002.

In 20 end of the century, mysterious vampire cases are frequent in the U.K., and "a Hellsing organization" dealt with the solution, but the Hellsing headquarters are made a fierce attack on and suffer great damage. Pass and have a collaborative relationship and know the Vatican which is on very bad term on one side and the "Iscariot engine" and twists and turns under direct control when the wirepuller of the case is organization "Millennium" by the Nazis remnants which escaped in South America.

I pass through a battle in Brazil and understand that real nature of Millennium is the military unit of a man called "the major" whom a Hellsing organization smashed in last years of former Great War. In contrast, I march into the meeting of the household, and the major declares war, and the ignored Iscariot organization is going to smash U.K. and Millennium together.

And Millennium makes a fierce attack on the British mainland again with major 1,000 vampires corps to lead and increases 3,000 the ninth air movement Crusade of the Vatican board of the Pope under the cover of this, and the three-cornered great war that was able to put Hellsing engines together begins.

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