Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Samurai 7

A full digital animation by GONZO which Anime "Samurai 7" memorialized the 50th anniversary from director Akira Kurosawa work "seven samurais" (a 1954 exhibition), and was remade in 2004. The stage is considered to be it in Shinjuku frame Theater in November, 2008, too.

A certain planet which may have been called the earth in spring or the future. Therefore the samurais who mechanized a whole body did long time round, and the earth was burnt to the ground, and the Great War was finally over. Such times when the people plowed the field again and got possible to produce rice of the degree that was not troubled to live. I plan that the Kanna village employs a samurai secretly in order the Great War is finished and it is the back and attacks the village for a while when I appear in the time of the cutting down of the rice, and to repulse Nobuseri which plunders it of rice. It is reflected on Kougakyo of the capital Kirara which is a medium of Mikumari of the village applies by oneself, and to look for a samurai.

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