Anime "Cardcaptor Sakura" is fantasy Anime of the CLAMP original. It was published serially in "good friend" (Kodansha) in 2000 from 1996. It was broadcasted as TV Anime from April, 1998 to June, 1996. The sequel is broadcasted from September, 1999 to March, 2000, too. It is shown as Anime for theater in 1999 and 2000. As for the book, 12 volumes are published.
A fourth grader good at a chief character / Sakura Motokino, physical education. One day I felt who it was in the underground library where nobody should have been when Sakura returned from the school. When Sakura dropped below, there was the book which glittered in one gold there. A card was in the inside, but I had intense wind as soon as I read a letter written there aloud, and a card has been scattered separately. When the strange creature which introduces itself as Cerberus appears from a left book, and the seal of Crowe card put in the book is untied, I say to the world that I have an evil. And Cerberus gives Sakura the key to seal and makes it a card captor capturing a card. From the night, Sakura uses magic, and confront the card which did materialization,; but ... May Sakura put back all the cards?
A fourth grader good at a chief character / Sakura Motokino, physical education. One day I felt who it was in the underground library where nobody should have been when Sakura returned from the school. When Sakura dropped below, there was the book which glittered in one gold there. A card was in the inside, but I had intense wind as soon as I read a letter written there aloud, and a card has been scattered separately. When the strange creature which introduces itself as Cerberus appears from a left book, and the seal of Crowe card put in the book is untied, I say to the world that I have an evil. And Cerberus gives Sakura the key to seal and makes it a card captor capturing a card. From the night, Sakura uses magic, and confront the card which did materialization,; but ... May Sakura put back all the cards?
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