Saturday, January 31, 2009

Ten no Haou Hokuto no Ken Raou Gaiden

In Anime"Ten no Haou Hokuto no Ken Raou Gaiden", the original bill is Ronson Bu and Tetuo Hara. Drawing is action Anime by Yukou Nagata. It is Anime that drew Raou who is the elder brother of Kenshirou of Anime"Fist of the North Star" in the hero. It was serialized from 2006 to 2007 to "Weekly Comiccbanti" (Shincho company). Making to TV animation is done in 2008.

Time is an end of a century. The flame of the nucleus wrapped all parts of the world. Life in the world of the disorder that violence rules will be compelled to the human race who survived slightly. There were supremacy and a man who had wanted it in the ground to save this chaotic world. It is Raou as for the name. It is given to the heaven, and this believes power by yourself, and is a story of the aesthetics of a man who carried out the way of life that doesn't leave the regret of a piece born in the age of Great Bear strongest Camicobshi.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Chocolate Underground

Anime"Chocolate Underground" is fantasy Anime of the Aiji Yamakawa original. It was serialized from February to July, 2008 to "Separate volume marguerite" (Shueisha).
Having become the origin of Anime is a fantasy adventure novel on the popular author and ALex Shearer of Britain. It is originally the one that the serial drama of the BBC broadcasting of Britain was novelized. It is open to the public on this day of 2009 as theater version Anime.
The stage is a country of Europe somewhere. A healthy, healthy party that suppresses victory by the election announces the chocolate prohibition method officially because it did not go to vote of should the obligation the people. The cake and the drink including the chocolate were prohibited only for the reasons of unwholesome. It strange accompanied?Children cause resistance standing up, and illegal brewing and the illicit sale of the chocolate are started. Can they really regain a delicious chocolate like the current ……?

Ayashi no ceres

Ayashi no ceres es un manga de Yuu Watase de 14 tomos lleno de intriga, misterio, ficción, amor y emoción.

Aya y Aki Mikage son mellizos e inseparables. Viven una vida normal y corriente junto a sus padres acudiendo al instituto y divirtiéndose con los amigos. Pero todos esto cambia drásticamente el día de su décimosexto cumpleaños. Inesperadamente son obligados a celebrarlo con toda la familia Mikage en la casa del abuelo, allí se lleva a cabo un ritual muy extraño con cada joven que cumple 16 años. Cuando a ambos hermanos les muestran la mano de una momia ocurre algo extraño: Aya libera un fuerte y misterioso poder que desconocía poseer mientras que el cuerpo su hermano Aki se llena de cicatrices y sangre. De golpe la familia al completo se lanza sobre Aya para asesinarla mientras protegen a Aki de ella. Incapaz de comprender lo que ocurre Aya utiliza sus recientes poderes para escapar de su propia familia y recive la inesperada ayuda de un misterioso hombre sin pasado conocido como Tooya. Aya, sola, sin entender nada y sin donde ir es acogida por la familia Aogiri, quienes la ayudaran a desvelar el misterio.

Al parecer Aya es la reencarnación de una Tennyo (mujer venida de los cielos y con poderes sobrenaturales según los mitos) cuyo hagoromo (un misterioso objeto que le permite regresar a su hogar en el cielo) fue robado por un hombre, quien la obligó a casarse con él e incluso dar a luz a su hijo. Ese hombre era Shiso Mikage y por tanto Aya y su familia son descendientes de él. Ahora la tennyo ha reencarnado en el cuerpo de Aya para vengarse, asesinar a toda la familia Mikage y recuperar su hagoromo. Mientras que en el cuerpo de Aki ha reencarnado Shiso, dispuesto a todo por recuperar a su esposa tennyo. ¿Se puede luchar contra el destino?

Una historia apasionante, cargada de intriga, amor, amistad, pasión, ficción y fuerza. La recomiendo realmente. Te mantendrá enganchado hasta la última página.


Thursday, January 29, 2009

The Sky Crawlers

Anime"The Sky Crawlers" is the one that the Mamoru osii supervisor produced the novel on the Hiroshi Mori original as Anime movie. It becomes video games.

The stage of the story is an age that looks like now well when the peace between hilts was obtained through some great wars. To actually feel the peace of the debt dye, people requested "War as the show". We who live in the present age must fight in "Watch" through the television. It is children that fight as a pilot of the fighter who are called 《 Kildore 》. They do not age. Do you keep living like an adolescent appearance through all eternity? As long as it doesn't die in the sky.
It starts because hero Yuichi Kannami is assigned to front-line base "Uris" of Europe as for the story. Yuichi doesn't have the memory before going for one's post to the base. He is seen and it means and it exists, and colleagues do not try to talk about anything any more though they float the expression. Only how to control 《 Kildore 》 I, and the fighter : knowing to Yuichi. The airframe that was sure to be taken for the first time became familiar with the body, and the excellent combat efficiency pushed up Yuichi to ace pilot's seat at once.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009


A few of us members of the New Jersey Chapter of the National Cartoonists Society spent an afternoon at Ft. Dix in the Warrior Transition Unit entertaining wounded soldiers home from Iraq drawing cartoons and caricatures in the Day Room and I created this U.S. Army Eagle logo as a companion piece to my U.S.M.C Bulldog and printed them out to bring with me to hand out to the soldiers.


In Anime"RIDE BACK", the original is Kon futuristic adventure Anime by Teturo Kasahara. It was serialized from 2003 to January, 2009 to "Monthly IKKI" (Shogakukan). As for the book, nine volumes are issued.
It is Japanese where antigovernment movement by students is active again of 2020 through dismantlement and the Tokyo great earthquake etc. of the United Nations. One girl has entered the Musashino art and literature university also that is one base of the campus activism. Her name is Rin Ogata. Rin with the talent of the dance of rare ..belonging.. meets the person type two-wheeled vehicle robot Ryde backing at the entrance first day. Rin that has boarded it has jumped into the light felt also on the stage before by chance. It was not because everyone knew as the start to revolutionize the world.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Hanazakari no Kimitachi e

In Anime"Hanazakari no Kimitachi e", the original is educational institution youth Anime by Hisaya Nakajo. It was serialized from 1996 to 2004 to "Flower and dream" (white fountain company). Making to television anime is done in Japan in Taiwan in 2007 in 2006. As for the book, 23 volumes are issued, and 15 million totals are issued.
A girl in the second grade of high-school and Mizuki Ashiya in American growth return home from the United States to a high jumper and Izumi Sano of the yearning all alone ardently ..wanting meet... It disguises oneself as a man to a private boys' high school and the Ohsaka educational institution that commutes Izumi and moving in is accomplished. This high school is high-school in all dormitory system of a handsome suit that chooses the student by not the deviation value but the face. One. fate or lamb in wolf's garden also in dormitory to sharing the room becoming the same class as Izumi it by chance though Mizuki of Minega accomplishmentThe campus life enclosed by a lively, unique boarder is continuousness of the happening of throbbing though it is happy. The maximum happening is that Izumi had stopped Cout however. Well, can Mizuki return Izumi to the world of the high jump?Moreover, does getting where love of two people goes :?

Monday, January 26, 2009


Anime"BLASSREITER" is SF action Anime that GONZO K.K and NitroPlus collaborate on a painting. Drawing had been being serialized to "Champion RED" (Akita Publishing) with Sesyu Kou since January, 2008, and it was broadcast as television Anime between April and September, 2004. As for the book, one volume is issued. Germany of Kon a little different from now futuristic.
The event that was transfigured to "Appearance of the strange appearance" of the corpse in a certain town in suburbs and attacked the person occurred. People saw the appearance of the dead who revived and ..commotion.. feared it , saying that "The satan came".
The people who can freely transform to the appearance of the strange appearance when is so while lived show up.
Because they who was the person before gained the power of the super-eternalSatan's power is exercised without forgetting each desire though it is called the satan and is criticized.
A certain person : for the justice that I believe. A certain person is enchanted to pure power. A certain person : as the last resort of the ambition achievement. A certain person : as a tool of revenge.
However, such a desire is a fate imposed on men who come contrarily.
It was battled a royal etc. that had staked the life by the people who had become satans.
Human hearts are gradually gnawed at as the compensation though they keep using power for the purpose by yourself to survive …….
Really can they able to call man or do such they have saving?
The story that the boy and young people who hold solitude and suffering are severe and are ghostly raises the act.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Nabari no Oh

Anime"Nabari no Oh" is action Anime of the Yuki Kamatani original. It has been being serialized to "Monthly G fantasy" since 2004. Ten volumes were issued as for the book, and making to television Anime was done from April to September, 2008. Conceal..(..denunciation. The world is Shinobi's world. Boy with art "All things in nature" of taboo that concealed and world gave birth to in the body. Miharu Rokujyou that goes to the Ten junior high school such as Iga and Fu that roll mainly him and happen receives the solicitation from classmate's Kouichi Aizawa and lecturer in English's Tobari to the Shinomiti club. Miharu that what is indifferent even for free disregards two story. Still, it doesn't give up and Tobari by which Miharu tries to join a club is pressed on Miharu , saying that "You might be killed". Miharu encounters the combat of Kouichi and the Yamase teacher on that afternoon. Yamase who was the minion of Shinobu Iga and HairouSyu had come to Ten with Hairousyu to obtain secret art "All things in nature" that Shinobu's world had invented. "All things in nature" sealed in the body of Miharu awakes starting with the attack of Hairousyu.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Hataraki Man

Anime"Hataraki Man" is Anime for the young person of the Moyoko Anno original. It has been being serialized to "Morning" (Kodansha) since 2004. It is broadcast as television Anime, and the photograph taken from life drama making is done in 2007 in 2006. As for the book, four volumes are issued. Hero's Hiroko Matukata is 28 years old and single. And, it is a female editor of weekly "JIDAI" editorial department. Hiroko strives to make a magazine good though it goes this way and that with the editor in chief, the superior, and colleagues day and night. Someone and it knocks against not becoming, and worry about the dilemma the remainder of Ase with the lover. forget the lifeStill, Hiroko becomes "Hataraki Man" at home in the office to do good work because of coverage.
A man and the woman are unrelated to the person who works hard. It is a cartoon drawn with "Work" and "Work" as the theme through people who are related to Hiroko and her.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Seisyun Panch

Youth Anime of Anime"Seisyun Panch" Matu Komatu original. It has been being serialized to "Separate volume marguerite" (Shueisha) since 2008. Two books publish it.
Saki Jindaiji is a girl of 15 years. Send the dream "It the high school lives ordinary, and ordinary youth". Because it has a notorious elder brother in "Demon's Jindauji" and local, and I am Saki that confused fight is strong. A bad rumor is thrown, and …… in the past when three dark years have been spent in the junior high school age. It was determined that the source went to a far high school that knew me no one spending one way 1 a half time, and was concealed, and held out. The entrance ceremony and Saki of the high school glancing fall in love with the boy and Toro that helps to seem to miss the train and to have become it. Moreover, it classes it the same. Moreover, it gives the chance of the friend making to Toro that is floating in the class, it treats in the health room, and ……. Saki expected of gentle Toro though even two bicycle person of yearning furthermore how getting on is light. However, it is generated the event by the class reunion. "Yakuza's mistress" and "The injury case was set up" etc. The rumor of the lie of Saki went around again. In addition, from Toro「It knew all rumors. Having desperately concealed it is interesting. 」と!Punching it : in this word and unexpected word "Is that?" : Toro from Toro to Saki instinctively ahead of everyone. It is what on earth. ?

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Bakuretu Tenshi

Anime"Bakuretu Tenshi" is Kon futuristic violence adventure Anime broadcast by "TV TOKYO" in 2004. In the original, Gonzo and the supervisor are Kouichi Ohata.
The event occurred in 20XX age and the waist land district in New York. Horrific killer who repeats bloodshed indiscriminately by using razoredge thing in the slums. There was a young girl who had seen the murder scene by chance. It petrifies, and a frightening lethal weapon shakes without mercy and it also is lowered also by her who can do nothing but tremble.
Meg came back to this town attended with Jyou. The purpose is to celebrate "Birthday" of Syaly that Megu lived together before. Megu and SyaLy who was the orphan had decided, "Birthday" the day when it had met for the first time. It meets Jyou taking advantage of a certain event though Megu looked after three small children who are the same circumstances including Syaly. Syaly had become adopted sons of hot policeman and Samu in the sense of justice, and were to have lived so-so happily now afterwards.
Megu that earned money and Jyou buy the present for Syaly, and ..substation.. visit Samu by little kindness. However, Sam's appearance is amusing. When two doubted people question closely, Samu is attacked Syaly by the horrific killer, and reports the serious injury to have been owed. Jyou is said to sadness and Megu to which it is angry. "Let's subjugate the enmity of Syaly. "
However, the hand of horrific killer's manitou was stealing up behind gradually two people in those days. Cruel, black eye difference that watches Jyou and Megu. The plot of the dark assumed two people further, and and, the entire town was covered and Samu was assumed seeming adhere.

Those who hunt elves (anime)

Those who hunt elves es un divertido anime con poco sentido común que te hará reír.

Airi es una famosa actriz ganadora de un oscar con un gran talento para engañar, Yungpei un experto en artes marciales algo bruto y Ritsuko una colegiala enamorada del armamento militar. Ellos tres junto a un tanque son transportados por error a un mundo fantástico donde existen los elfos, la magia y los fantasmas entre otras cosas. Allí una sacerdotisa elfa, gran maga y máxima representante de los elfos intenta ayudarlos mediante a un conjuro a regresar a la Tierra. Pero, sale mal, el hechizo se dispersa por el mundo y se graba en los cuerpos de diversas elfas. Ahora los protagonistas tendrán que recorrer el mundo fantástico en su tanque buscando elfas y desnudándolas para recuperar todos los fragmentos del hechizo y poder regresar a casa. Para ello contarán con la ayuda de la suma sacerdotisa y de su magia que a menudo sale mal ¿Lo lograrán?

Este anime tiene unos personajes hilarantes y unas situaciones que te harán reír. Si buscas algo para pasar el rato y divertirte esta es tu historia.


Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Anime"JIJIJII-GGG-" is Cyuya Koyama original Anime. It was serialized to "Morning" (Kodansha) in 2007.
Had you seen the phantom thief of 70 years?It sleeps. It is not. Therefore, tying. It is .... good-looking though it is an elderly person. I think that it wants to spend such old age. It ties and it adventures. It yearns.
Hero's elderly person and Riichi are phantom thief "Harp" that makes a flutter. I think that phantom thief that changes there in the toothbrush a good stick is of firing and the theft.  I like child. It seems to be uncivilized to open an adult mind.  The existence of the detective who chases it is an overarching point when saying the phantom thief. Only this however is ..Ega.. though it is who might be only the detective, and a royal road setting that it knows, and the phantom thief is caught. Reality. Detective's child is acquainted and sleeps to the phantom thief.
Even if the body grows old, the mind is still young. Eyes also brilliantly :.  

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Diaz police Ihoukeisatu

Anime "Diaz police Ihoukeisatu" is young people Anime by scenario Richard Wu and drawing Sinnichi Sugimura. As for the book, ten volumes are issued to "Morning" (Kodansha). About 150,000 illegal entrance foreigners in Tokyo. The refugee recognition is not received and there are many people who are doing poor life though there is a bad fellow, too, too. The Secret Adversary and foreign countries Tokyo metropolitan government by the illegal entrance foreign countries person for the illegal entrance foreign countries person were made up so that the foreign countries people who did not have such power might defend themselves. Any hospital etc. that the bank (Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare) in which the Financial Services Agency doesn't take part doesn't authorize are included there. Of course, the police exist, too. This is a story that drew the policeman of the only and the activity of Saki Kubotuka in such foreign countries Tokyo metropolitan government.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Natsume Yujincho

Anime"Natsume Yujincho" is Anime of the Yuki Midorikawa original. It has been being serialized to "LaLa" "LaLa DX" (Hakusensya) since 2003. Making to TV animation is done in 2008 and 2009.

The boy and Takashi Natume that sees the apparition find "Friend notebook" from among a certain day grandmother's articles left by the departed. This "Friend notebook" was a contract to fight from loneliness that his grandmother and Reiko were neglected by man against the apparition, and to make the deprived name written as proof to make it subordinate.
Since then, Natume that has come to be aimed from apparitions who try to regain the name begins to spend every day when the name is returned to apparitions with teacher Nyanco of the apparition who became a bodyguard by a certain chance. ─。

It is not apparition and to have shape of the boy, Takashi Natume that can see the apparition, and the invitation and the cat but a painful, nostalgic stories that crowd, unfold by Saki life, and pave.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Ikaros no Yama

Anime"Ikaros no Yama" is adventure Anime of the Natuko Heiuchi original. It has been being serialized to "Morning" (Kodansha) since 2005, and nine volumes are issued as for the book.
8000m peak that exists in the world by 14 seats. "Field of God" there for the human race's imagination to exceed. A new 8000m peak is discovered now at the time of passed from the first in human race reaching the top of a mountain of Everest half a century. It aims at the honor of the first reaching the top of a mountain, and the good combination that has conquered a lot of mountains the inside where climbers all over the world seethe before meets again by chance. Climber and Keiji Hiraoka of active apart from others now in mountains of the first class all over the world. As the doctor, Syunnya Mikami at present that lives a peaceful life as father uniting the partner in Hiraoka and the school days. The marriage to Mikami is a wife it and chosen Yasuko though withers since the student ..even two people, acquaintance, and Hiraoka... The fate of three people to be sure to walk on each road begins to move quietly by "Mountain of the phantom" ……. Sublime dramas of Icarus who doesn't fear the god by entering et al. are unfolded in the mountain in the grand world where the life intersects with the death as for the charm.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Ns'Aoi(Nurse Aoi)

Anime"Ns'Aoi" (nurse Aoi) is medical treatment Anime of the Ryou Koshino original. Is it 2004"Morning" (Kodansha)?It is serialized. As for the book, 20 volumes are issued. It is broadcast as television Anime in 2006.
Aoi Misora that embodies "Nursing master of ideal" said at the people. The appearance to work hard at work is drawn in the first the patient while rolling surroundings though it is blue ..the idea...
When accompanying it about Coroin of the patient who fractures due to the traffic accident, Aoi that works at an emergency lifesaving center of the general hospital becomes not the fracture of patients but a respiratory arrest. patient cannot help leaving the center by the whistle-blowing though it escapes death, and surroundings were also corresponding by connivance. It is done to have never to do as a nursing master, and becomes the citizens hospital in an affiliated hospital with the transfer. Then, blue one Komine that became a guidance nursing master pierces the nail to "This hospital Yabai" and Aoi.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Anime"Hen Zemi" is Anime for adults of the Taguro original. "Hen Zemi" is morning partially of "Transformation physiology series" 2" It has been being serialized to (Kodansha) since 2008. As for the book, one volume is issued. Cartoon where various Mr. transformation who is on the register in transformation physiology colloquium assumed to be "It is a motto as for practice" of a certain university appears. In comics information『Abnormal comedy of all similar cartoons of Nashi. Material, sexual harassment, and Dai discharge in the under』..retreat.. ,『The girl who is here is not Hello. Transforming only. 』
It is contrary, and reading under the meal is dangerous with a lovely design. Reading in front of an of course thing and the female is prohibited strictly in the train. Are you informed of to the police?


Anime"UCYU KYODAI" is Anime of which the theme is the space of the Cyuya Koyama original. It has been being serialized to "Morning" (Kodansha) since 2008. As for the book, four volumes are issued.

It encounters UFO that flies to the childhood and the moon, and it is an elder brother it, Mutta, and Hibito that exchanges promises while gazing upon the starry heavens younger brother it, , saying that "Let's become an astronaut two people". Younger brother became an astronaut as it was a promise, and was a member of the first vice-chief period stay crew in the surface of the moon in 2025. On the other hand, mutta that retires from car development company head-butting superior who spoke ill of younger brother (Substantially dismiss it) and became the unemployed. It becomes Cbi, and the company is an elder brother it and Mutta of the unemployed. Reemployment doesn't go well and either mail reaches the origin of dispirited Mutta from Hibito that hears circumstances. , saying that "The fate is also necessary for becoming the astronaut" that a certain person says. Elder brother and Mutta where it is invited to younger brother and Hibito, and it went to Johnson Space center in 2025. It is believed the promise of the childhood, and is an appearance that younger brother and Hibito that became an astronaut are stout that waited there. The elder brother envies, and gives up the dream. Younger brother believes and provokes such elder brother's talent. There is no day when younger brother forgot the promise "Go to space by two people".

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Shinkyoku Sohkai Polyphonica

It is fantastic and comedy Anime that "ocelot" and drawing of Kawa Hirokawa of Ichiro Sakaki and the software company depend. ..Anime"Shinkyoku Sohkai Polyphonica ".. Original StoryIt has been being serialized to "Flex comic" since 2007. As for the book, two volumes are issued. It is originally software for video games. The novelization is done, and it has been broadcast as television Anime since April, 2007.
Porifonica that becomes a stage is the world where "Man" and "Spirits of the dead" coexist. The spirits of the dead occasionally catches the form of the person type by making to the material with a kind of energy life. Man of the employed occupation is called 'Divina commedia musician (..Dante.. strike)' by 'Divina commedia' the spirits of the dead and the called music. They play Divina commedia with musical instruments 'Band all alone (one-man orchestra)' composed of a main control musical instruments such as keyboards and guitars, and have the special skill in which spirits of the dead's energy is made to be amplified. In including heroine's coatee clinical record the spirits of the dead, there is the one to resonate to the Divina commedia that the musician plays and to connect 【 contract 】, too. The spirits of the dead who placed a contract can demonstrate or the great strength by receiving the support of the Divina commedia that the contract musician plays.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Anime"SAMURAI CHAMPLOO" becomes the comic and video games by television Anime by the mangrove original and the Kazuto Nakazawa design based on this. Time is about an inside of Edo period, and this story starts from a certain stage for each Yokohama.
It is obviously along the restaurant ..coming.. ..the evildoer.. a man and Mugen of ー. There..magistrate..foolish..son..surround..plug-ugly..parents..power..impudent..Don..Chang..commotion..unfold.Hungry Mugen decides the pinch of byte daughter and Fuu with which the plug-ugly picks a quarrel to be helped by "100 dumplings". The plug-ugly army corps is cut by the confused swordsmanship that the break dance dances.
Fencer Jin of travel that appears there. When it is foolish son's companion, misunderstood Mugen attacks it exchanging questions and answers uselessly. Sublime fight of two people. Sword of brute and elegant sword. I am surprised at the thing to which a man who was able to go over mutually and for the first time evenly to me each other showed up.
However, it : in the fight in the adrenaline opening completely and the restaurant : to a fire very much while becoming crazy. It is swallowed to the flame without dressing though they were two people who continue battling caring none.
The worst situation of father of the Timpirabaca son who makes it to a magistrate residence and a moss a little while ago ,that is, "Magistrate" appearance there if noticing it. It will be Medetac beheading tomorrow. Byte daughter Fuu in a restaurant a little while ago shows up in front of two people who were made to Bocoboco and thrown into the prison. Fuu is demanded from two people and when it wants you to associate as a bodyguard, it demands from travel that looks for "Samurai whom fragrant of the helianthus does". Two people. one crisis hair on that day of executionMugen and Jin that succeeds in escape at the end of large moving about. Fuu that runs after the two people.
The act on the way of three people has been raised such conditioning.

Monday, January 12, 2009


naruto Temari is a strong figure ... he looks to see something serious ... but I do not know what is he see .. what if he saw that we are there in the real world? whether that might happen? us just ask the same Temari ... Shall we make him the wallpaper in our room ...


woww ... they look very familiar and very happy ... their friendship until they are old and they feel that they are siblings ... the bright color of the wallpaper makes our eyes shine bright look ... ...


gaara always seem sinister and manakutkan ... but for all lovers of anime is not afraid ... because gaara only a role in the film naruto ... when outside the film he looks very friendly wallpaper with natural condition...let's makes us free...


This dish looks sad, but he remains steadfast to face all the problems .. because when we cry only when there is a problem that will not solve the problem quickly ... we will memperparah a problem according to me ... so, stay smile ..


naruto small, often crying as long as he could hope to meet his mother with his mother ... he is now mature and more go to understand what is the meaning of life, ... because he does not own ...let's smiling because many people who love us ...


color wallpaper mixed with a little dark purple have a brighter indicates that in this world .. there are two sides of goodness and badness that is tererah ... we want to select which is better ... if I am good time ...


four people are friends familiar ... and people not abstinence surrender of the soul ... brave people even though they have the spirit of their women ... we have an example ... so that we can continue to progress and progress ...


Temari is a joyous ... and he danced to the wind shirt tertiup stream ... the face melankolis make the boys crazy to him ... as if the world turns to the sweet memories ...


uchiha sasuke this looks stout and handsome ... with a sword in terselip the shirt he was ready to go to war ... is deliberately color wallpaper I search the black and white so that you can color as you ...


Anime"S・A" (SPECIAL・A-CLASS) is girl Anime in Japan by the Maki Minami original. It was serialized to "Za flower and dream" (white fountain company) reading between 2003 and 2004. It moves to "Flower and dream" (white fountain company) in 2004, and it is serialized. 14 volumes are issued, and it becomes a hit to the book Anime by 2.2 million totals exceed it. It is broadcast as television Anime in 2008.
The stage is "Private Hakusennkan gakuen high school. "The classification is done from A to F at this school that has changed for a moment in order of merit. A class put only seven most excellent people, and was a target of the yearning for the student of the educational institution."Elite in the elite" class can gracefully spend it in the schoolhouse in the annex that is specially distinguished the uniform by the treatment as for the treatment and is called the paradise in the educational institution. To dispel the disgrace defeated in the professional wrestling match at six years old it, the woman of Hikari of the effort to burn to the overthrow and Kei Takeshima. The rival seeing, and it is not possible to win no matter brain, physical strength, and what do, and result in the second school year place of myriad year of Kei though it chooses off many times. It is Hikaru defeated at Kei by a little difference though confronts by the class by the physical education to return the disgrace today. When Kei is defeated by the following examination, it proposes that rousing oneself inside, Megumi, and Jyun hold the recital concert. And, the noise ・・・ : from the staff room of the night though Hikaru starts calling Kei in the library, and telling the thing.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Kami no Shizuku

Anime"Kami no Shizuku" is Anime that makes wine by the Tadashi Agi original and the Syu Okimoto drawing a theme. The serial is begun, and it is made to the TV drama by "Morning" (Kodansha) in January, 2009 in 2004. As for the book, 19 volumes are issued. Popularity is high, and two million is sold also by foreign countries in South Korea.

Miyabi Shinohara that works as a sommelier apprenticeship in the French cuisine shop has offended the guest in having pointed out the mistake concerning wine. However, it is saved by decantage like the miracle of Sizuku Kannzaki that had come as the guest's taking there.
The reshuffle to the wine division newly set up is ordered to Sizuku that works as a salesman at the beer company. Shizuku was repulsed to such father though the reshuffle seemed to be related to a worldwide wine critic father, and it was a complete amateur for wine.
Then, the news of sudden father's death. He had left a certain will. It was to have transferred all of the inheritance to the person who had applied 'All' to the time limit what how many years wines of the work one of the phantoms that were called 'God's dripping' that stood in 12 wine great '12 apostles' that he chose and the tops.

Mice Week-Part VII

The final part of our Gus and Jaq marathon. Hope you liked it.

See Ya,


Saturday, January 10, 2009

Jigoku Shojo(Hell Girl )

Anime"Jigoku Syojo" (Hell Girl) is Horror Anime by the Miyuki Eto original. It was serialized from 2005 to 2008 to "Nakayoshi" (Kodansha). As for the book, nine volumes are issued. The serial starts newly as "New Jigoku Syojo" in November, 2008. It was broadcast from 2005 to 2006 as television Anime. It becomes the novel and video games.
A certain urban legend Uwasa flowed at the people of recent. "The hell girl shows up when the grudge that cannot be dispelled is written in homepage "Hell communication" that can be accessed only at twelve o'clock midnight and it gives the hell a hateful other party as. "However, the rumor was true.
The girl with red pupil shows up to black hair long in which it put on the sailor blouse in front of those who request it at the moment when the person who has the grudge writes it in 'Hell communication'. Only the girl is a hell girl. She discourses the straw doll that is the proof of the contract to the client, and Is it thrown? if the taken red string is undone, the contract is concluded, and a hateful other party discourses to the hell passing, and the neck of ..method.. doll that arrives at "Hell sink". However, Ai is said, "Postmortem will suffer from the hell as for oneself through all eternity as the compensation". The hell girl nothing but reports her cool pupil to be "Thing that you decide" in a word for the other party like foreseeing everything.
The grudge is dispelled undoing the string or it steps thinking over, it stays or the decision is urged on the client in the conflict.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Sarai-ya Goyou

Anime"Sarai-ya Goyou" is period play Anime of the Natume Ono original. It has been being serialized to "Monthly KIKI" (Shogakukan) since January, 2006. As for the book, five volumes are issued. Edo of Edo period in Japan is a period play of the stage. Nature..feel harm..failed, only Yaichi that Masanosuke had to defend was a gang of thief "Goyou" who assumed enticing to be an occupation. Though it is Masanosuke that is expected the arm of the sword, and invited by the companion … Circumstances that the every one of "Goyou" with the person peculiarity and the cap peculiarity, too holds respectively. True..bonds..strength..gentle.Oe Cotsya painting volume and starting that Natume Ono begins to draw.

Mice Week-Part VI

And's time for Carl Barks, in a rare story also starring Pete as villain.

